Friday, 22 March 2013

The Green Treasure Hunt!

Fun games that can help you understand more about how to save the earth and GREAT PRIZE are waiting for you then what are you waiting for? 

Don't hesitate to join our meaningful event! See you on Sunday (24/3/2013) night! :)

DIY your plastic bottles

Share, Like and Win!

How to Win?

1. Do your own sample regarding the steps.
2. Upload the photo of your sample at Sprouts 8 Facebook Page.
3. Share it and get as many likes as possible.
4. The most like will be the winner.

It's so simple! Don't miss it!

This competition will be opened until 31/3/2013 11.59pm. Prize will be given to the winner.

Monday, 18 March 2013

City Forest, Singapore

Using plants and trees in a unique way, Singapore officials opened Gardens by the Bay this year. The 11 million-square foot (1-million-square-meter) complex-the size of nearly 250 U. S. football fields-aims to curb the heat island effect while bringing botanical bliss to urbanites.

The centerpiece of Gardens by the Bays is a glass atrium that houses approximately 220,000 types of vegetation, or 80 percent of the world's plant species, according to Singapore's National Parks Board.

Outside the menagerie of plants is a grove of 18 "supertrees"-vertical gardens up to 164 feet (50 meters) tall that capture rainwater, filter exhaust, and are capped with solar panels that provide enough energy to light up the trees at night.

The heat island effect occurs in cityspace characterized by pavement, asphalt, and concrete-all materials that can absorb warmth. The annual mean temperature of a city with one million people or more can be up to 5.4˚F (3˚C) warmer than surrounding rural areas, according to the U. S. Environmental Protectation Agency (EPA). The effects cascada as summertime peak energy demands rise along with air conditioning costs and greenhouse gas emissions.

The value of vegetation in urban areas goes beyond cooling and shade. City plantings can aslo help improve air and water quality through filtering mechanisms.

A new study in the journal Environmental Science & Technology shows that grass, ivy, and other urban plantings, in addition to trees, can reduce levels of nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter by as much as 40 and 60 percent respectively. Both are pollutants that are potentially harmful to human health. 

Writer: Tasha Eichenseher
Publish date: July 26, 2012

10 Most Polluted Cities

You might need to bring a gas mask if you want to live in one of these highly polluted cities